Hi, my name is Jan Szewczyk and I would like to present to you briefly the most important information about myself, which I hope you will find significant 😁
My passion for programming began during my studies. I obtained the title of Bachelor of Engineering at the Cracow University of Technology in the field of Computer Science. My BEng Thesis was related to the design and implementation of a web application, I used technologies such as Javascript, React, Java, Spring, and Postgresql. I also obtained a Master of Science degree at the Cracow University of Technology in the field of Data Science. My Master's thesis concerned the implementation of a system that allows you to control the device by means of movement and hand gestures in real time. Computer vision and machine learning algorithms were the tools that made the system work properly.
In my programming history, you can find moments when I was involved in programming in technologies such as Java, Spring, Python, and finally JavaScript - I stayed with it for a long time 😍
I started my adventure with web applications by getting to know the React library, which I needed for my Engineering Thesis. Since then, my passion for responsive website design using the React ecosystem and many other libraries has gained momentum. Privately, I not only create web applications, but I'm also the author of several libraries supporting application development in React and many others (e.g. custom GitHub actions -> see the Projects Section).
My hobby is also the subject of artificial intelligence and data processing. I also enjoy fishing, a healthy lifestyle, and traveling. I'm crazy about plants 🪴 🌴 🌵 😁